Virtual Assistant Networking Association (VANA) announces CWAHM as new Premier Partner
Released on = July 3, 2007, 7:54 am
Press Release Author = Tawnya Sutherland
Industry = Small Business
Press Release Summary = - the hottest, friendliest, informative, educational and resourceful network for VAs - announces CWAHM, as a new Premier Partner to the forum.
Press Release Body = - the website devoted to promoting Virtual Assistants and their businesses - is proud to announce Jill Hart, Founder of Christian Work at Home Moms (CWAHM -, as a new Premier Partner to the forum.
As a Premier Partner, Jill is offering a 20% discount off of her advertising packages and a 20% discount off of her ebook "2 Week Devotional Ebook".
With Jill's advertising packages, you have up to eight choices that you can make. You can choose packages that contain banner ads, newsletter ads, or you can create a package of your own by choosing two different ad types. Jill's ebook is a devotional journey for Christian Work at Home Mom's and covers such topics as contentment, faith and joy. In addition, if you purchase one ebook, you receive a second ebook to share with a friend.
VANA's Premier Partners are relevant to the Virtual Assistant industry and we recommend them so that our members' businesses can succeed. Our members are interested in products and services that are helpful to small business owners, virtual assistance, work at home moms, networking, software and other computer-related areas. The message board is very active and is the largest in the VA world with over 6,000 members. It is an ideal website to advertise on if your product or service falls within this market of virtual assistants and small business entrepreneurs.
Virtual Assistant Networking Association (VANA) is the largest business network for aspiring and successful Virtual Assistants and Virtual Achievers to share, learn, and succeed! At VANA, industry experts and Virtual Assistant newbies mix it up to uncover all things new and exciting in the world of Virtual Assistance, while supporting one another and striving to promote the Virtual Assistant industry.
So join the fun and stop by the VANA Forum today at You'll see just how much better your business can become and also have a great time doing it. And for those looking for a VA, you won't be able to beat the professionals you'll find here.
Tawnya Sutherland, founder of Virtual Assistant Networking Association (VANA) and author of the Virtual Assistant Startup System (VBSS), is a Certified Internet Marketing Specialist sharing her expertise to help aspiring and successful VAs turn website clicks into cash for them.
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Contact Details = Tawnya Sutherland 604-542-9664
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